--- Log opened mar ago 09 00:00:17 2022 --- Log closed mar ago 09 03:35:40 2022 --- Log opened mar ago 09 03:35:53 2022 03:35 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 9 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] 03:36 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 16 secs 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 beauty!!!! That was it: 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 ``` 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 admin@tromdienste:~$ uptime 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 10:39:20 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 27.44, 9.95, 3.60 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 admin@tromdienste:~$ systemctl status friendica-daemon.service 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 ● friendica-daemon.service - Friendica daemon 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/friendica-daemon.service; enabled; vendor 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-08-09 10:37:46 CEST; 2min 22s ago 05:43 < fikabot_> 💬 Main PID: 1836 (php) 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915) 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 Memory: 1.5G 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 CGroup: /system.slice/friendica-daemon.service 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 ├─1836 /usr/bin/php ./bin/daemon.php start 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 ├─1846 php bin/worker.php 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 ├─1956 php bin/worker.php --no_cron 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 └─1982 php bin/worker.php --no_cron 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 ``` 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 Thanks a lot! :) 05:44 < fikabot_> 💬 beauty!!!! That was it: 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 ``` 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 admin@tromdienste:~$ uptime 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 10:39:20 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 27.44, 9.95, 3.60 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 admin@tromdienste:~$ systemctl status friendica-daemon.service 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 ● friendica-daemon.service - Friendica daemon 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/friendica-daemon.service; enabled; vendor 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-08-09 10:37:46 CEST; 2min 22s ago 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 Main PID: 1836 (php) 05:45 < fikabot_> 💬 Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915) 05:46 < fikabot_> 💬 Memory: 1.5G 05:46 < fikabot_> 💬 CGroup: /system.slice/friendica-daemon.service 05:46 < fikabot_> 💬 ├─1836 /usr/bin/php ./bin/daemon.php start 05:47 < fikabot_> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> it needs to be `/run/friendica/daemon.pid` 05:47 < fikabot_> 💬 05:47 < fikabot_> 💬 so that was the solution, just to be clear :) 08:44 < fikabot_> 💬 Awesome! Glad I could help 08:44 < fikabot_> 💬 Thanks man! Check the owner and permissions of the /run/friendica directory. --- Log opened mar ago 09 15:41:13 2022 15:41 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 9 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] --- Log opened mar ago 09 15:41:14 2022 15:41 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 15:41 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 14 secs 15:41 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs 19:14 < fikabot_> 💬 ``` 19:14 < fikabot_> 💬 Message queues 19:14 < fikabot_> 💬 3342 - 63541 19:15 < fikabot_> 💬 ``` 19:15 < fikabot_> 💬 went up almost 10k today 19:15 < fikabot_> 💬 i wonder if we will ever get rid of these 19:15 < fikabot_> 💬 but as long as it does not affect the use of our friendica i am not in panic mode 19:21 < fikabot_> 💬 Are they all still the add contact ones? 19:24 < fikabot_> 💬 let me check 19:24 < fikabot_> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.trom.tf/UoODDgQgykScvOFkjtcAILEs 19:24 < fikabot_> 💬 looks like 19:26 < fikabot_> 💬 Be great to know WTH is causing that on your system 19:27 < fikabot_> 💬 yes i'd really want to know...maybe if we look at the logs? 19:28 < fikabot_> 💬 btw my friendica log is 550MB 19:28 < fikabot_> 💬 isnt that too much? 19:29 < fikabot_> 💬 I have log level: warning, but before i had debug enabled i think thats when it grew so much 19:29 < fikabot_> 💬 is it ok to delete it then enable debug so we can read through the logs a bit? 19:29 < fikabot_> 💬 else it is too bloody big to open 20:01 < fikabot_> 💬 I'd recommend setting Friendica log to logrotate. Mine got to 23 GB before I realized it! 😅 20:04 < fikabot_> 💬 Sometimes I've tailed the Friendica log with a grep for what I was looking for. Probably grep-ing for AddContact in the tail might show you when it happens 20:23 < fikabot_> 💬 I do not have a clue how I could do that 😄 - but also if it may help with figuring out what's the issue with my friendica 😛 20:55 < fikabot_> 💬 Yeah set up log oration for sure (I thought it was by default) and definitely grep will be your friend 21:21 < fikabot_> 💬 Something like `tail -f /path/to/friendica.log | grep AddContact` --- Log closed mar ago 09 22:32:08 2022 --- Log opened mar ago 09 22:32:25 2022 22:32 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 9 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] 22:32 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs 23:08 < fikabot_> 💬 or just `grep "AddContact" /path/to/friendica.log` 23:08 < fikabot_> 💬 but tailing helps for watching the logs coming in live --- Log closed mié ago 10 00:00:18 2022