--- Log opened jue ago 11 00:00:19 2022 02:21 -!- bAvatar_ is now known as bAvatar --- Log closed jue ago 11 03:45:21 2022 --- Log opened jue ago 11 03:45:30 2022 03:45 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 8 normal] 03:45 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 17 secs 05:24 < fikabot> 💬 I thought you had MySQL proper not MariaDB for Friendica. 07:33 < fikabot> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> why are there so many "Uncaught Exception ArgumentCountError" errors? 07:33 < fikabot> 💬 07:33 < fikabot> 💬 Could you perhaps paste in which function it mentions? It sounds like a definite bug in the PHP code. 07:33 < fikabot> 💬 https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.argumentcounterror.php 08:13 < fikabot> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> I thought you had MySQL proper not MariaDB for Friendica. 08:13 < fikabot> 💬 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 I think we talked before about this and I said I can only see MariaDB everywhere but also Mysql met 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 I think we talked before about this and I said I can only see MariaDB everywhere but also Mysql mention 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 how can i check for sure? 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 Also Michale said 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 > Can you have a look in the workerqueue table for entries with the command equals to "AddContact"? How many are there? 08:14 < fikabot> 💬 Now how can I do that? 08:33 < fikabot> 💬 > <@tio:matrix.trom.tf> I think we talked before about this and I said I can only see MariaDB everywhere but also Mysql mention 08:33 < fikabot> 💬 08:33 < fikabot> 💬 If the line on the process manager says mariadb would t is MariaDB. If it says MySQL it is MySQL 09:16 < fikabot> 💬 well in processes it shows mysql 09:17 < fikabot> 💬 in friendica admin says both 09:17 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.trom.tf/KkGZgOKAPxdMPJGQKpKRZpXs 09:17 < fikabot> 💬 in webmin the tools i have to edit the databases only say Mariadb 09:19 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.trom.tf/WrSTdoakDrcXXoAChMnkdpui 09:21 < fikabot> 💬 When you go into MySQL on the command line what does the prompt read? 09:31 < fikabot> 💬 After my recent experiences with the differences between Maria and MySQL I think they have to stop conflating the two. They are sufficiently different even if mostly compatible 12:14 < fikabot> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> When you go into MySQL on the command line what does the prompt read? 12:14 < fikabot> 💬 12:14 < fikabot> 💬 to be honest am not sure how to do that. i can login via SSH to my server but then what from there on? 15:32 < fikabot> 💬 Then just sudo mysql 15:32 < fikabot> 💬 The CLI tool is named the same between them 15:51 < fikabot> 💬 i did that i get no output in the CLI 18:37 < fikabot> 💬 it should drop you into an interactive session 18:38 < fikabot> 💬 So like on one of my machines my terminal looks like: 18:42 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/myportal.social/xqZuoSkaljmlsbQQIMyDYExa 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 if you type `STATUS;` into your web terminal you probably can get info you need 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 result for me in mysql tool 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 MariaDB [friendicadb]> status; 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 -------------- 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.7-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (aarch64) using EditLine wrapper 18:43 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 18:47 < fikabot> 💬 ah ok i see now 18:47 < fikabot> 💬 i tried the CLI for webmin but that didnt do the job 18:47 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 Your MariaDB connection id is 2017212 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 Server version: 10.3.34-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Debian 10 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 18:48 < fikabot> 💬 so is MariaBD then? 18:50 < fikabot> 💬 yep appears to be 18:50 < fikabot> 💬 do `show databases;` and make sure friendica is in there 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 +--------------------+ 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 | Database | 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 +--------------------+ 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 | etherpad_mypads__2 | 18:58 < fikabot> 💬 | facilmap | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | friendica | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | gitea | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | information_schema | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | librespeed | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | mysql | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | nextcloud | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | opensondage | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | performance_schema | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | roundcube | 18:59 < fikabot> 💬 | wallabag2 | 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 | wordpress | 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 | wordpress__10 | 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 +--------------------+ 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 14 rows in set (0.003 sec) 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 yup finally we confirmed 😄 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 yay 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 heh 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 also explains why you weren't seeing those huge spikes before tweaking the Ping code 19:00 < fikabot> 💬 so at least things are behaving consistently *and* you don't need to do a DB migration to get off that godforsaken MySQL lol 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 btw Michale suggested to do this 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 > Please change that line https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/stable/src/Worker/AddContact.php#L36 to public static function execute(int $uid = 0, string $url = '') 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 I did but so far i cant see an improv in messages queues 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> so at least things are behaving consistently *and* you don't need to do a DB migration to get off that godforsaken MySQL lol 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 haha damn yes 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 am happy for that 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 are you seeing that error still though? 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 ah thats the idea ofc 19:01 < fikabot> 💬 will check 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 root@server:/# grep "AddContact" /var/www/friendica/friendica.log | wc -l 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 0 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 nope 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 😄 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 Do a search for that exception actually 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 I guess your log rolled over 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 isnt the above confirming it? 19:02 < fikabot> 💬 i did the change 2h ago 19:03 < fikabot> 💬 probably 19:03 < fikabot> 💬 I can't recall what we were searching on when you looked at that log dump 19:03 < fikabot> 💬 because in logs it was full of tha error 19:03 < fikabot> 💬 because in logs it was full of that error 19:03 < fikabot> 💬 now this is the log https://paste.trom.tf/anijuvakux.pl 19:04 < fikabot> 💬 oh wow you have it at debug level 19:04 < fikabot> 💬 you turned log rotation on then right? 19:04 < fikabot> 💬 I wonder if there is a way to just set the log level/turn logging on for workers? 19:05 < fikabot> 💬 yes turned the rotation on 19:05 < fikabot> 💬 the file is less than 1MB in size now 19:05 < fikabot> 💬 before was 500MB 19:06 < fikabot> 💬 sent it to Michael...maybe he can have a look or tell me what to do next 19:06 < fikabot> 💬 we need to kill those message queues and figure wtf are they about... 19:08 < fikabot> 💬 in any case, the most wonderful is how i can talk to people like you or even the developers of the software itself, and they all are friendly and we help each other. maybe we discover a bug with friendica via my experience who knows. very comfy to have this all 🙂 19:10 < fikabot> 💬 Yeah I've found this a very friendly community 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 and pretty responsive 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 PS I just posted about the SQL commands we used for counting worker queue command types 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 We did it previously but here it is again: https://hastebin.com/ajinoxugeh.sql 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 ```sql 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 # Uncomment one of the three where clauses 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 USE friendicadb; 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 SELECT 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 command, 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 COUNT(*) AS num 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 FROM 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 workerqueue 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 WHERE 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 # not completed but never tried (like the worker queue page) 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 done = 0 AND retrial = 0 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 19:12 < fikabot> 💬 # not completed but tried previously (like deferred queue page) 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 # done = 0 AND retrial > 0 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 # completed 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 # done = 1 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 GROUP BY 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 command 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 ORDER BY 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 num DESC; 19:13 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 19:26 < fikabot> 💬 yes thank you i have replied 19:26 < fikabot> 💬 i forgot about those 19:26 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.trom.tf/IvHABqmYSQuepcrmYekpUkeA --- Log closed vie ago 12 00:00:21 2022