--- Log opened dom nov 13 00:00:26 2022 00:55 < n8chz> https://astoundingteam.com/index.php/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install 00:56 < n8chz> (The page isn’t redirecting properly) 01:13 < n8chz> Ah, seems going to astoundingteam.com/install instead of just astoundingteam.com gets to System check. Now to find out whether hosting will let me install "GNU Multiple Precision PHP module" 07:09 < fikabot> 💬 Yep, I also got that infinite redirect at first for some reason back when playing with setup. 08:32 < fikabot> 💬 Thiskind or Infinite redirect happens sometimes with .phar bad settings 11:11 < fikabot> 💬 I had always assumed that most of the work on the server was processing network messages but even in the quiet times when users aren't really on the server the load is pretty much all disk heavy read I/O. Interesting... 11:11 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/myportal.social/gvpePRlevPIzBFTZuUpgjzmR 12:10 < fikabot> 💬 I feel like the Friendica mastodon timeline API needs to filter out conversation replies to be consistent. Is that probably accurate, or is there another inconsistency in the returned data? Might dig into the code tomorrow and look but thought I’d ask first. 12:14 < fikabot> 💬 What do you mean? 17:48 < fikabot> 💬 Related to the client discussion here yesterday. My client seems to just show posts, especially from people I don’t follow. This makes something like a forum hard to follow because you get the replies before the post for example. 17:49 < fikabot> 💬 Maybe the mastodon user timeline should filter out replies, or maybe filter out replies for posts that will appear later? The timeline just seems chaotic. 18:00 < fikabot> 💬 There is no “assembly” process I imagine 18:01 < fikabot> 💬 So it is the raw stream which is comments and posts all at the same level --- Log opened dom nov 13 18:37:45 2022 18:37 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 18:37 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs 19:11 < fikabot> 💬 Couldn't you reassemble threads via client side code? 19:16 < fikabot> 💬 For sure 19:17 < fikabot> 💬 But the mastodon apps don’t because they don’t need to the way their end points respond apparently 19:17 < fikabot> 💬 It’s what I’m doing on my app 19:18 < fikabot> 💬 As a bonus, you could finally make sense of Mastodon conversations in the end! 20:15 < guagua-> What is average max load? 20:15 < guagua-> https://reisub.nsupdate.info/filehost/files/IBm.png 20:16 < guagua-> Hi, all. 20:16 < guagua-> Hi everyone --- Log closed lun nov 14 00:00:28 2022