--- Log opened mié feb 16 00:00:33 2022 00:03 < fikabot> 💬 Looks like one or two of the developers post on it but can't find a central page like some of the other networks. 01:22 < fikabot> 💬 Yeah, strange, because I thought Friendica was one of the most well-known platforms. 04:25 < fikabot> 💬 Well, it's surely one of the best according to my use case (see this CSV), I never told you that it is the most popular 😄 It has quite some history, though. 04:25 < fikabot> 💬 - https://gitlab.com/bkil/freedom-fighters/-/raw/master/hu/fediverse-prop.md 04:25 < fikabot> 💬 - https://gitlab.com/bkil/freedom-fighters/-/blob/master/hu/fediverse-prop.md 04:25 < fikabot> 💬 It is present on this one, though: http://fediverse.party/ 04:28 < fikabot> 💬 Friendica has native forum functionality and they prefer to dogfood that instead of using a centralized forum software such as Discourse: https://forum.friendi.ca/directory --- Log closed mié feb 16 05:35:16 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 16 05:35:29 2022 05:35 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 11 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 05:35 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs --- Log closed mié feb 16 10:54:01 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 16 10:54:18 2022 10:54 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 11 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 10:54 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 some time ago i asked how to cleanup the photo table and i added 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'language' => 'en', 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean' => true, 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean-expire-days' => 30, 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean-expire-unclaimed' => 30, 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 30, 12:41 < fikabot> 💬 'cache_contact_avatar' => false, 12:42 < fikabot> 💬 12:42 < fikabot> 💬 12:42 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 12:42 < fikabot> 💬 to system. it looks like the photo table is not growing anymore, but still has 4GB. Contact table stays at ~ 200 MB which is as i assume related to the photo table. because the server gets a new home i must backup the data over the net soon, so i would love to reduce the size of the photo table. Any way to do that? E.g. sql command? 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 some time ago i asked how to cleanup the photo table and i added 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'language' => 'en', 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean' => true, 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean-expire-days' => 30, 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean-expire-unclaimed' => 30, 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 30, 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 'cache_contact_avatar' => false, 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 12:46 < fikabot> 💬 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 ``` 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 to system. it looks like the photo table is not growing anymore, but still has 4GB. Contact table stays at ~ 200 MB which is as i assume related to the photo table. because the server gets a new home i must backup the data over the net soon, so i would love to reduce the size of the photo table. Any way to do that? E.g. sql command? 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 I am on Version 2022.02 (2022-02-06) 12:50 < fikabot> 💬 > <@heluecht:myportal.social> It looks like at one point you switched the photo storage to "database" but you haven't moved the old content. 12:50 < fikabot> 💬 12:51 < fikabot> 💬 Karl (AT): Does the above comment apply to your case? 12:52 < fikabot> 💬 No, the photo storage never changed. the contacts and photo tables was blown up with contacts from other servers. i added the above settings after asking here, which looks like stopped growing, but old stuff still in the tables 12:52 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> Friendica has native forum functionality and they prefer to dogfood that instead of using a centralized forum software such as Discourse: https://forum.friendi.ca/directory 12:52 < fikabot> 💬 12:52 < fikabot> 💬 Thanks for the links and info! 12:55 < fikabot> 💬 > <@wclayferguson:matrix.org> Thanks for the links and info! 12:56 < fikabot> 💬 12:56 < fikabot> 💬 By the way, it would be cool if we made a Friendica addon that could sync back & forth with Discourse, hence connecting it into the federation. Perhaps it could even be plumbed by hooking onto its stream of mail notification, but I think the last time I looked it wasn't very efficient - you could either get notifications for everything, or for a single thread. 13:03 < fikabot> 💬 I just tried to join and clicking "submit request" (see screenshot) doesn't seem to actually do anything... 13:03 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mRuLLfWNnCoPhQgkYsFkwgDw 13:04 < fikabot> 💬 Any error in the browser console or network log? 13:04 < fikabot> 💬 Seemed odd how it wanted a webfinger address or profile url. I took a guess. Wasn't even sure. 13:04 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TIeKElaNSNazhqYNqEGKSMur 13:04 < fikabot> 💬 According to the text, it should accept both. 13:04 < fikabot> 💬 here's browser log: 13:05 < fikabot> 💬 here's browser log (above) 13:05 < fikabot> 💬 Doesn't sound very good... 13:05 < fikabot> 💬 Well, you could always do it the other way as the text says: by befriending the address of the forum from your own instance 13:06 < fikabot> 💬 Yeah, I get a new one of those "refused to send" errors each time I click "Submit Request" 13:07 < fikabot> 💬 I basically just wanted to test federation, because Friendica was accepting a "Note" create yesterday but never displaying it in the GUI. 13:08 < fikabot> 💬 (I mean that was my reason for trying to get in touch with friendica devs) 13:12 < fikabot> 💬 Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Are you complaining because you can't join the developer forum or because a certain kind of synthetic federation test is not working through which you want to follow something? 13:13 < fikabot> 💬 I have an ActivityPub implementation, I'm trying to verify works with Federating with Friendica. That's my main goal. 13:13 < fikabot> 💬 Is your implementation using CORS correctly? 13:14 < fikabot> 💬 When I post to my inbox, i get a 202? (accepted), but the message never shows up. I probably have CORS correct. Mastodon works. 13:15 < fikabot> 💬 I mean when I post from Quanta to venera.social, the message was accepted but never shows up inside venera.social feed. 13:15 < fikabot> 💬 It was just a plain DM message. 13:16 < fikabot> 💬 I did notice incomming messages (into Quanta) have signature property INSIDE teh JSON, but my server puts it always in the Headers. Not sure if that's a hint or not. 13:18 < fikabot> 💬 Well, I would expect a server to throw away messages that it deems to have an incorrect signature. 13:18 < fikabot> 💬 You should check your logs. If you are not logging in such cases, perhaps you should consider adding that. 13:19 < fikabot> 💬 I'm logging 100% of the stuff, all the header info, etc. 13:19 < fikabot> 💬 I think it is a bit easier if you control and host both sides to be able to see all logs. 13:19 < fikabot> 💬 It send back a 202 I think. Wasn't an error code. 13:21 < fikabot> 💬 I don't frankly think it's practical for people to host an instance of everything they want to federate with, but I get your point, and you're correct that's appropriate maybe for a large company with lots of resources. We need a better solution. Maybe I'll try that testing facility published on socialhub. 13:21 < fikabot> 💬 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_status#2xx_success "202 Accepted 13:21 < fikabot> 💬 The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not be eventually acted upon, and may be disallowed when processing occurs." 13:22 < fikabot> 💬 https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Network/HTTPException/AcceptedException.php 13:22 < fikabot> 💬 https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Module/ActivityPub/Inbox.php#L69 13:24 < fikabot> 💬 I haven't read the standard, but I guess it does not return an error code as that could trigger a retry later on, but a signature verification or similar format violation could never succeed on repeated attempts - it would just be a DoS. 13:25 < fikabot> 💬 Indeed processing is done here, and the problem should be checked in the logs of Friendica (every `return` here is an error) https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Protocol/ActivityPub/Receiver.php#L79 13:25 < fikabot> 💬 right. thanks. One of my posts DID appear in the feed under "Latest Posts". It was a message I had sent to some other user (publicly), but none of my DMs inbound to a Friendica user are visible to that user ever 13:25 < fikabot> 💬 Let me do some more digging and research. Thanks for the input. 13:26 < fikabot> 💬 I think Friendica has the most extensive privacy settings around - Mastodon uses much fewer and less fine grained levels. 13:27 < fikabot> 💬 So you would see more corner cases with Friendica than with Mastodon. 13:27 < fikabot> 💬 Privacy setting as in post visibility. 13:27 < fikabot> 💬 Right. Mastodon tolerates a lot. Like missing content-type(s) etc, 13:27 < fikabot> 💬 (A DM is just another post both with a given visibility) 13:28 < fikabot> 💬 (A DM is just another post but with a stricter visibility or something like that) 13:28 < fikabot> 💬 For me the DM was just sent as like the 'to', and the 'message'. Bare minimum stuff. 13:29 < fikabot> 💬 ActivityPub doesn't have 'visibility' settings does it? Just adressees? 13:32 < fikabot> 💬 I don't know, again, I haven't read the specs, but there could be corner cases and/or lax acceptance behavior on part of Mastodon that might be handled more strictly at other places https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#public-addressing 13:32 < fikabot> 💬 What other kind of servers can you federate already? 13:37 < fikabot> 💬 Again I'm just guessing, but it may even involve `bto` https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-bto 13:39 < fikabot> 💬 Here's an example of the inbound-to Venera.social that sent back the 202, but never showed up: 13:39 < fikabot> 💬 https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ocmYwMVlPFzZzlsFPvhkFTwZ 13:40 < fikabot> 💬 I just need to do more analysis of stuff FROM Friendica, and get hints from that. I won't waste more of your time for now. I'm propbably not completely stuck. I'm not sure WHICH other platforms I support, but more than Mastodon for sure, I know that. 13:40 < fikabot> 💬 In other words, I'll do more analysis of the inbound traffic from Friendica to see what it thinks a good message is. --- Log opened mié feb 16 13:52:14 2022 13:52 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 13:52 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 15 secs 13:52 < fikabot> 💬 I wish there existed a straightforward linter-validator static analysis tool that parsed a given ActivityPub message destined for a given endpoint and explained whether it was well formed or not 13:53 < fikabot> 💬 If the grammar is specified well enough on w3.org, maybe the bulk of this parser could be constructed using a parser generator. 13:56 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> I wish there existed a straightforward linter-validator static analysis tool that parsed a given ActivityPub message destined for a given endpoint and explained whether it was well formed or not 13:56 < fikabot> 💬 13:56 < fikabot> 💬 Yep, I've been saying for years (maybe 3 yrs) that this 'compatibility/testing' challenge is the main thing holding people back from doing a lot of innovation on the Fediverse. It's just WAY harder than it should be just for sending/recieving messages. The email protocol is 100x simpler, and yet look what email did for the world. It just doesn't need to be quite this hard. --- Log closed mié feb 16 18:58:23 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 16 18:58:44 2022 18:58 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 18:58 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 15 secs 20:33 < fikabot> 💬 > <@ctskarl:matrix.org> No, the photo storage never changed. the contacts and photo tables was blown up with contacts from other servers. i added the above settings after asking here, which looks like stopped growing, but old stuff still in the tables 20:33 < fikabot> 💬 20:33 < fikabot> 💬 I would look into the logs whether the piecewise cleanup operation got stuck on an incorrect value found in the table. 20:53 < fikabot> 💬 is there a way to manually start the cleanup? 21:53 < fikabot> 💬 > <@ctskarl:matrix.org> is there a way to manually start the cleanup? 21:53 < fikabot> 💬 21:53 < fikabot> 💬 Would be interested in that too. --- Log closed jue feb 17 00:00:02 2022