--- Log opened mié feb 23 00:00:35 2022 01:22 < fikabot> 💬 Is this the official matrix room for friendica ? 01:29 < fikabot> 💬 Is it possible to put content warnings on Friendica posts ? I couldn't find such an option in the web interface. --- Log closed mié feb 23 02:13:40 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 23 02:13:57 2022 02:13 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 02:14 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 12 secs --- Log closed mié feb 23 03:45:36 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 23 03:45:44 2022 03:45 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 03:45 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 16 secs 04:00 < fikabot> 💬 It is to the first question. To the second: no idea :D 04:31 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> That might be caused by an installation error. You should first configure a https certificate and then install Friendica. Otherwise you will have to tweak the site prefix in the config/database. 04:31 < fikabot> 💬 04:31 < fikabot> 💬 I don't get mixed content warnings that I can find, but I do see that all image downloads are shown twice: one without the padlock and one with. I also see that it's a relative path (/photo/123456789.jpg), so that probably means I indeed have to tweak the DB to set https as default? 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 ``` After clicking on the file icon in the Browser tab: 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 REQUEST headers: 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 GET /fbrowser/image/undefined?mode=none&theme=frio&_=1645601316564 HTTP/1.1 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 Host: domain.name 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:97.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/97.0 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 Accept: text/html, */*; q=0.01 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 Accept-Language: nl,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3 04:52 < fikabot> 💬 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Referer: https://domain.name/network 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Connection: keep-alive 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 Cookie: PHPSESSID=b1flgjrq21u06p1j6okr1eg18s 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 REPLY headers: 04:53 < fikabot> 💬 HTTP/2 200 OK 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 07:31:59 GMT 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 content-length: 577 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 pragma: no-cache 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 x-account-management-status: active; name="Admin"; id="admin" 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 x-response-type: html 04:54 < fikabot> 💬 x-friendica-version: 2022.02 04:55 < fikabot> 💬 x-content-type-options: nosniff 04:55 < fikabot> 💬 This is what I get after clicking the file icon in the browser tab, clicking upload on an mp4 file. To me, it looks as if just the POST is done and the GET I see there are standard updates for the Friendica website, not actual replies to my post? I'm sorry, I do not get any error messages that I can find. I can just look at a spinning circle for hours :P 04:57 < fikabot> 💬 Got something! "413 Request Entity Too Large" in the reply tab of the post. Weird that I don't get this when I copy the entire output of the debug console, but ok. So I am guessing this is at least one part of the problem? My php or Friendica max post size is simply set to small? 06:41 < fikabot> 💬 > <@Mecallie:matrix.org> Got something! "413 Request Entity Too Large" in the reply tab of the post. Weird that I don't get this when I copy the entire output of the debug console, but ok. So I am guessing this is at least one part of the problem? My php or Friendica max post size is simply set to small? 06:41 < fikabot> 💬 06:41 < fikabot> 💬 Yes, that's just the problem! I told you the last time to please try with a 0.5MB video first during debugging. You tried to upload a 10MB one. 06:42 < fikabot> 💬 I then mentioned the PHP request entity and file upload settings that you may want to increase. 06:43 < fikabot> 💬 The default post_max_size seems to be 8MB, just below the size of your file 06:43 < fikabot> 💬 - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718571/request-entity-too-large-php 09:11 < fikabot> 💬 Alright. I have just set the max post size in Apache2 and Nginx (using that as a proxy) to 100M. I also set the SSLRenegBufferSize to something above 100M. I am now getting a 500 (internal server error) message when trying to post a 4MB movie. 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 ```Verzoek is afgekapt 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 1 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 -----------------------------285962916341580762004022099170 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 09:12 < fikabot> 💬 2 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="Claus Schwab penetrate ze kabinets.mp4" 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 3 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 Content-Type: video/mp4 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 4 09:13 < fikabot> 💬 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 ​ 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 5 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 ••••ftypmp42••••mp42mp41iso4••ÔÀmoov•••lmvhd••••Þ•ÍIÞ•ÍI••_••Z¸}••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••@••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*iods•••• 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 ••••••Oÿÿ)•ÿ••••••••••••••••••••yytrak•••\tkhd••••Þ•ÍIÞ•ÍI•••••••••Z¢Þ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••@••••••••Ð••••y•mdia••• mdhd•• 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 ••Þ•ÍIÞ•ÍI••_••Z¢ÞUÄ•••••2hdlr••••••••vide••••••••••••Vireo Eyes v2.7.3•••x»minf••••vmhd•••••••••••••••$dinf••••dref••••••••••••url ••••••x{stbl•••¯stsd••••••••••••avc1••••••• 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 ••••••••••••••••••••Ð•H•••H•••••••• 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 09:14 < fikabot> 💬 6 09:15 < fikabot> 💬 09:15 < fikabot> 💬 AVC Coding•••••••••••••••••••••••ÿÿ•••5avcC•d•(ÿá••gd•(¬V$••[¦ 09:15 < fikabot> 💬 This is the first part of the "request aborted" error I see in the 500 erroring post. 09:22 < fikabot> 💬 Please try to upload a 0.5MB movie first. 09:23 < fikabot> 💬 You can download and then reupload mine https://nerdica.net/display/a85d7459-4662-0bc8-0c98-ebc902447365 09:25 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> The default post_max_size seems to be 8MB, just below the size of your file 09:25 < fikabot> 💬 > - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718571/request-entity-too-large-php 09:25 < fikabot> 💬 09:25 < fikabot> 💬 I have sent you this link that explains why you also need to increase the relevant settings in PHP's config as well. Please open that link. 09:26 < fikabot> 💬 > vim /etc/php5/php.ini (or wherever the .ini is located) 09:26 < fikabot> 💬 > post_max_size="200M" 09:26 < fikabot> 💬 > upload_max_filesize="200M" 09:26 < fikabot> 💬 Or could you share what were the exact config values that you set and in which files exactly? 09:28 < fikabot> 💬 By the way, it seems you can check some of these in the admin status as well: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Module/Admin/Summary.php#L221 09:30 < fikabot> 💬 By the way, PHP's memory_limit should also be increased if you are working with huge files. 09:31 < fikabot> 💬 And also, if you are using a database backend, you might want to increase `max_allowed_packet` too https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8062496/how-to-change-max-allowed-packet-size 09:58 < fikabot> 💬 > <@futureisfoss:matrix.trom.tf> Is it possible to put content warnings on Friendica posts ? I couldn't find such an option in the web interface. 09:58 < fikabot> 💬 09:58 < fikabot> 💬 Is there really no content warning support on friendica ? 10:08 < fikabot> 💬 > <@futureisfoss:matrix.trom.tf> Is there really no content warning support on friendica ? 10:08 < fikabot> 💬 10:08 < fikabot> 💬 I don't think so as a built in feature, but I think it respects the mastodon style of hiding it if there is a CW at the start. I can't remember if there was a BBCode equivalent on Friendica; I don't really use them myself. 10:08 < fikabot> 💬 10:09 < fikabot> 💬 The support forum helpers@forum.friendi.ca might offer more help on this, too. 10:10 < fikabot> 💬 Hiding nsfw is supported/built in. 10:10 < fikabot> 💬 Further hiding can be achieved via addons. 10:13 < fikabot> 💬 I didn't find any addons related to content warning on my instance. Tio is my instance admin, maybe he could add something like that...... 10:24 < fikabot> 💬 I think you can add it somehow idk now to be honest but will have a look later or these days 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 > <@jbc:matrix.jb-net.us> I don't think so as a built in feature, but I think it respects the mastodon style of hiding it if there is a CW at the start. I can't remember if there was a BBCode equivalent on Friendica; I don't really use them myself. 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 > 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 > The support forum helpers@forum.friendi.ca might offer more help on this, too. 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Module/Api/Mastodon/Preferences.php#L53 11:14 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Protocol/ActivityPub/Transmitter.php#L1401 11:15 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Protocol/Diaspora.php#L2060 11:15 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/960d440ab6e68987892ec679c1436e5388f350a1/src/Factory/Api/Mastodon/Status.php#L130 11:15 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica-addons/tree/develop/nsfw 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 > <@Mecallie:matrix.org> Alright. I have just set the max post size in Apache2 and Nginx (using that as a proxy) to 100M. I also set the SSLRenegBufferSize to something above 100M. I am now getting a 500 (internal server error) message when trying to post a 4MB movie. 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 Inspired by your problem, I have now started documenting this in the troubleshooting guide: 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/develop/doc/Install.md#user-content-error-uploading-large-files 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 11:36 < fikabot> 💬 I think in the future, we should eventually document any workaround and diagnosing steps for common problems, because I seem to see many common problems here with much simpler solutions. We haven't bothered to document these because giving a single line answer usually felt more cost effective, but it would be more cost effective and scalable if we did. 😃 --- Log closed mié feb 23 11:51:54 2022 --- Log opened mié feb 23 11:52:03 2022 11:52 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 11:52 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 14 secs 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> Inspired by your problem, I have now started documenting this in the troubleshooting guide: 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 > - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/develop/doc/Install.md#user-content-error-uploading-large-files 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 > 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 > I think in the future, we should eventually document any workaround and diagnosing steps for common problems, because I seem to see many common problems here with much simpler solutions. We haven't bothered to document these because giving a single line answer usually felt more cost effective, but it would be more cost effective and scalable if we did. 😃 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 12:47 < fikabot> 💬 I think I followed all the troubleshooting steps here. The only one I could not find: LimitRequestBody. I could not find this in my php.ini . Also: how do I find out if I am using modSecurityWAF? 12:51 < fikabot> 💬 I am not getting any http error codes now btw. Just an "aborted" error on the upload. I did manage to upload a 15MB jpg (even if it did give me that same error). When I look at that jpg in my gallery I am getting the full 15MB jpg. When I click on full size I am getting a scaled down 370KB version... 12:53 < fikabot> 💬 https://concordia.social/photos/admin/image/9551176389621654fb80a09643284649 12:59 < fikabot> 💬 > <@Mecallie:matrix.org> I think I followed all the troubleshooting steps here. The only one I could not find: LimitRequestBody. I could not find this in my php.ini . Also: how do I find out if I am using modSecurityWAF? 13:00 < fikabot> 💬 13:00 < fikabot> 💬 It's an Apache2 config, not a PHP config 13:00 < fikabot> 💬 What is the largest video that was successfully uploaded without an abort? 0.5MB? 7MB? 11MB? 13:02 < fikabot> 💬 And as always, some of your server logs may provide us with more insights. 14:33 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> Sounds like a strange question, but is the cron job set up correctly? In the admin panel, what does it write about the job queue? Could you perhaps share how you installed Friendica and according to which guide? 14:33 < fikabot> 💬 14:33 < fikabot> 💬 It's YunoHost, patched to 2022.02. Here's the app I used: https://github.com/ndarilek/friendica_ynh 14:35 < fikabot> 💬 Okay, I see that has steps for setting up the cron job. 14:35 < fikabot> 💬 Could you perhaps check in the system(d) logs whether the cron job runs? (Friendica's log should also contain relevant lines) 14:35 < fikabot> 💬 It runs. Worker/deferred queues are both at 0. 14:36 < fikabot> 💬 Again, grepping for `ERROR` or `WARNING` within the log may be fruitful. 14:37 < fikabot> 💬 I think it does discard messages with an invalid signature for incoming messages, not sure whether this can happen with outgoing ones. I hope you haven't reinstalled the node without backing up its keys in the past. 14:38 < fikabot> 💬 I have a giant friendica.log. Is that safe to share? It's hard to read as a screen reader user because it's full of UUIDs, but it's probably easier to skim visually--assuming I'm not giving away secrets. 14:42 < fikabot> 💬 I woludn't 14:42 < fikabot> 💬 an excerpt you can scan perhaps 14:44 < fikabot> 💬 > <@nolan:thewordnerd.info> I have a giant friendica.log. Is that safe to share? It's hard to read as a screen reader user because it's full of UUIDs, but it's probably easier to skim visually--assuming I'm not giving away secrets. 14:44 < fikabot> 💬 14:45 < fikabot> 💬 Actually that would be also great to improve on the side of Friendica! 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 > <@nolan:thewordnerd.info> I have a giant friendica.log. Is that safe to share? It's hard to read as a screen reader user because it's full of UUIDs, but it's probably easier to skim visually--assuming I'm not giving away secrets. 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 `grep -c WARNING friendica*.log` 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 `grep -c ERROR friendica*.log` 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 How many lines do these return? 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 We could come up with a sed/awk regexp for you to make it easier to go through 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 I haven't reinstalled everything. If anything, I'll probably just give up. This is tough. 14:46 < fikabot> 💬 Let me grep for errors and hope I don't get a bunch of the usual PHP stuff. 14:48 < fikabot> 💬 A bunch of 404s from what I'm guessing are scrapers. 14:49 < fikabot> 💬 nolan: You can do that sort of filtering in the admin UI BTW 14:50 < fikabot> 💬 I agree sometimes I have to drop down to CLI and do grep/less etc. 14:50 < fikabot> 💬 I wish failing to deliver something screamed a bit louder and more obviously. If I'm counting on Friendica delivering my messages and it doesn't, it shouldn't take me wondering in a chatroom if my forum posts are actually getting distributed for me to figure out that they aren't getting relayed. 14:50 < fikabot> 💬 You can try this command, and others can help you interactively improve the regexp to make it readable (chops off the JSON from the end at present) `sed -nr 's~(\[ERROR\][^{]*)(\{.*)?$~\1~ ; T e; p; :e' friendica*.log|sed -r "s~^([^T]*)T([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})[^ ]*~\1 \2~"|head` 14:51 < fikabot> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> I agree sometimes I have to drop down to CLI and do grep/less etc. 14:51 < fikabot> 💬 14:51 < fikabot> 💬 I don't mind the CLI, it's just that reading lots of logs as a screen reader user is hard. Imagine processing each message line by line, left-to-right. You aren't skimming visually for delivery failures halfway down the screen. You're listening to each line rad first, and advancing line by line by line... 14:51 < fikabot> 💬 You should probably search for around the time when you sent in the post. And/or just write a few new posts to test. 14:52 < fikabot> 💬 Based on the error category, we should then narrow down the file and line numbers within the regex. 14:53 < fikabot> 💬 You can try this command, and others can help you interactively improve the regexp to make it readable (chops off the JSON from the end at present) 14:53 < fikabot> 💬 14:53 < fikabot> 💬 `sed -nr 's~(\[(ERROR|WARNING)\][^{]*)(\{.*)?$~\1~ ; T e; p; :e' friendica*.log|sed -r "s~^([^T]*)T([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})[^ ]*~\1 \2~"` 14:54 < fikabot> 💬 We can add `|head` or `|less` to the end for you if that helps. 14:54 < fikabot> 💬 Oh, here's a thing: 14:54 < fikabot> 💬 2022-02-22T16:28:34Z index [ERROR]: DB Error {"code":1062,"error":"Duplicate entry '3-1-64-100-14' for key 'uid_vid_type_actor-id_target-uri-id'","callstack":"Item::insert, Processor::postItem, Processor::createActivity, Receiver::processActivity, Receiver::processInbox, Inbox::rawContent, BaseModule::run, App::runFrontend","params":"INSERT INTO `notification` (`uid`, `vid`, `typ 14:54 < fikabot> 💬 e`, `actor-id`, `target-uri-id`, `parent-uri-id`, `seen`, `dismissed`, `created`) VALUES (3, 1, 64, 100, 14, 14, 0, 0, '2022-02-22 16:28:34')"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":771,"function":"e","uid":"d96474","process_id":820} 14:55 < fikabot> 💬 That sounds nice. 14:55 < fikabot> 💬 I don't know if that might prevent outbound delivery. 14:56 < fikabot> 💬 If there are ERROR lines in the log, that is always a problem that needs to be reported and fixed (either by fixing the logic or silencing) 14:56 < fikabot> 💬 Whether inserting into the notification table could hamper delivery of content I don't know right now. 14:57 < fikabot> 💬 What I would think without looking into it is that this might only influence user notifications about incoming messages. 14:57 < fikabot> 💬 So what do I do with this? I guess I can paste it into an issue, but I don't have any context or remember what I was doing when it happened. 14:58 < fikabot> 💬 So assuming I wanted to just reinstall and try starting over, how would I do that? Can I somehow shut down the instance so whatever federation has happened can reset? Can I back up and import whatever keys I need? 14:58 < fikabot> 💬 So this was your second post yesterday 16:31:11 zulu. So that was before that time. 14:59 < fikabot> 💬 I would be interested if you could narrow down your search to within 10-20 minutes after composing and submitting that post 14:59 < fikabot> 💬 I hope you are using network time, though. 14:59 < fikabot> 💬 Starting to feel a bit overwhelmed TBH, I kind of did this thinking it'd be easier, and with the intent of actually doing things with it vs. spending days just getting it working and still not entirely sure why I can't post to the support forums from venera.social. 14:59 < fikabot> 💬 Like with `grep "^2022-02-22T16:[34]"` 15:01 < fikabot> 💬 Nothing 15:01 < fikabot> 💬 We're sorry about your experience. Installing Frienidca is really just for the nerds right now, and not many operators use the YUnoHost installer, so it is not tested enough, but I agree with you that it would be great if such a single-click installation could work. 15:02 < fikabot> 💬 > <@nolan:thewordnerd.info> Nothing 15:02 < fikabot> 💬 15:02 < fikabot> 💬 We should actually debug whether your cron job has ever ran successfully then. 15:02 < fikabot> 💬 Although, I think not all new posts would be deferred after submission, but that might have changes since I looked into it. 15:03 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> We're sorry about your experience. Installing Frienidca is really just for the nerds right now, and not many operators use the YUnoHost installer, so it is not tested enough, but I agree with you that it would be great if such a single-click installation could work. 15:03 < fikabot> 💬 15:03 < fikabot> 💬 All good. I'm certainly not upset at anyone, it's just hard to debug for a whole host of reasons. 15:04 < fikabot> 💬 Yes, you are doing a good deed by helping us debug such an important issue. 15:04 < fikabot> 💬 One sec, I'm quite possibly doing something dumb. 15:05 < fikabot> 💬 `grep -i 'delivery via '` 15:07 < fikabot> 💬 I'm going to just put my entire friendica.log up on Dropbox. I'll take it down if we manage to figure anything out. But at this rate my choices are either burn down the installation and give up, or leave this up for long enough to debug it and hopefully contribute a useful bug report. Worrying about being compromised due to a log that'll only be up for a few hours seems a bit pre 15:07 < fikabot> 💬 mature if I nuke all the evidence from orbit. 15:07 < fikabot> 💬 Definitely run a full backup on your database 15:07 < fikabot> 💬 Already done, backups are daily. 15:08 < fikabot> 💬 And save the `.sql` file as well as `local.config.php`. 15:09 < fikabot> 💬 Well, I don't have (successful) reinstallation experience with it, but if you have a backup of both the database and the file system, then you might be able to play with it. Although, restoring only the keys to make federation work again isn't documented 15:10 < fikabot> 💬 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ujzfho88x4fexh/friendica.log.gz?dl=0 15:11 < fikabot> 💬 Okay, I got it, you can remove it 15:11 < fikabot> 💬 Thanks so much for all the help, BTW. 15:11 < fikabot> 💬 But next time I recommend something like privatebin... 15:12 < fikabot> 💬 Yeah, need to get Nextcloud working from the desktop. For now Dropbox was most convenient. 15:23 < fikabot> 💬 I think I have a clue 15:24 < fikabot> 💬 `worker [INFO]: Transmit to https://nerdica.net/inbox/bkil returned 202 ... APDelivery ... HTTPSignature.php line 309 function "transmit"` 15:25 < fikabot> 💬 Somebody asked just this question not long ago. HTTP 202 "Accepted" is returned by Friendica when your signature on a post is wrong. 15:26 < fikabot> 💬 > <@bkil:grin.hu> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_status#2xx_success "202 Accepted 15:26 < fikabot> 💬 > The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not be eventually acted upon, and may be disallowed when processing occurs." 15:26 < fikabot> 💬 15:26 < fikabot> 💬 We were talking about this just around this time with Clay. 15:31 < fikabot> 💬 Got it. So what would cause the signature to be wrong? Basically all I did was install the YNH package, which was 2021.09. Then I bumped the commit hashes in the installation script, the version in the YNH manifest, and upgraded. Everything still seemed to be intact when I upgraded, so I don't think it wiped everything out and lost keys. 15:33 < fikabot> 💬 Also, kind of frustrating that it returns a success code and then fails. That seems...wrong. 15:33 < fikabot> 💬 What does YNH do on an upgrade? Does it drop and recreate the database, or does it keep the keys? Actually it should be doing the right thing for you _if it was implemented correctly_. 15:34 < fikabot> 💬 Heah, `HTTP 202` is a `success`, as in it should never be retried on the sender side, but it does not indicate successful delivery for a user. We may have a chat about this with the developers, though. 15:35 < fikabot> 💬 I.e., it should issue a WARNING log entry in such cases. 15:35 < fikabot> 💬 I didn't explicitly check whether it recreates the database, but I'd have a hard time believing it would. That wouldn't be an upgrade, and I'd hope someone would complain loudly if it trashed their install. 15:35 < fikabot> 💬 I see you are also hit be an JSON-LD compaction issue, perhaps related to this, but that was in different time instances than when you were communicating with me https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/10254 15:36 < fikabot> 💬 I think it should do a whole lot more than just warn in the logs. That's not going to be visible to me as an end user at all, and if Friendica is just going to drop my messages and not deliver them unless I'm carefully checking friendica.log, then all due respect but we're done here and thanks for your time. 🙂 That's not what I want from something describing itself as a communication system. 15:40 < fikabot> 💬 As a test, could you please create a new test user on the instance? 15:40 < fikabot> 💬 Then I (or somebody else) could follow that user. Then you could create one or more posts. And then we could check whether those would arrive on their side. 15:41 < fikabot> 💬 Right now, I have to leave for a few hours, but you may be able to do this with the help of another volunteer. 15:41 < fikabot> 💬 I'd be happy to help test 15:42 < fikabot> 💬 You can then check the problem with the following command in the log (it should NOT be 202): 15:42 < fikabot> 💬 `grep "ransmit to ...* returned "` 15:42 < fikabot> 💬 I may need to step away for a bit too, actually. I do appreciate the help and understand that we're all volunteers, this just took up way more time than I thought. I'll probably come back to it tomorrow. 15:43 < fikabot> 💬 You can then check the problem with the following command in the log (it should NOT be 202): 15:43 < fikabot> 💬 `grep "2022-02-23.*ransmit to ...* returned "` 15:43 < fikabot> 💬 Thanks. 15:44 < fikabot> 💬 Just paste the profile URL of the test account when it's created and volunteers can follow it to test. 15:45 < fikabot> 💬 I may also just file a GH issue and repost the logs. I'm actually worried that this is bigger than me just not sending posts from a new instance. There are my forum posts that don't seem to be received for example, and it's going to be hard to investigate this if folks are asking questions in the project's promoted forums but those posts aren't being received. 15:45 < fikabot> 💬 So I think this may call for a more stable rallying point than a few Matrix chats and forum posts made on my behalf. 🙂 15:47 < fikabot> 💬 Anyhow, thanks again for the help. I'll make a new account later. I'm guessing a subaccount should be fine? Not sure how relevant it is, but all these accounts are subaccounts under my main instance account. --- Log closed jue feb 24 00:00:35 2022