--- Log opened jue jun 23 00:00:12 2022 --- Log closed jue jun 23 02:25:08 2022 --- Log opened jue jun 23 02:25:19 2022 02:25 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal] 02:25 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 18 secs --- Log opened jue jun 23 13:18:40 2022 13:18 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal] 13:18 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 17 secs --- Log opened jue jun 23 13:35:12 2022 13:35 -!- Irssi: #friendica: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal] 13:35 -!- Irssi: Join to #friendica was synced in 19 secs 15:19 -!- kernelpanic is now known as fatalerrors 15:31 -!- kernelpanic is now known as fatalerrors 22:40 < fikabot_> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> I suppose the first thing I should do is determine what these configurations do (I'm using the defaults): 22:40 < fikabot_> 💬 > ``` 22:40 < fikabot_> 💬 > // cache_driver (database|memcache|memcached|redis|apcu) 22:40 < fikabot_> 💬 > // Whether to use Memcache, Memcached, Redis or APCu to store temporary cache. 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > 'cache_driver' => 'database', 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > // distributed_cache_driver (database|memcache|memcached|redis) 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > // Whether to use database, Memcache, Memcached or Redis as a distributed cache. 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > 'distributed_cache_driver' => 'database', 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 > ``` 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 22:41 < fikabot_> 💬 Yeah I use redis for cache driver. I used to use APCu before that. Could explain the database thrashing on your instance. I don't have anything set for the distributed cache. 23:07 < fikabot_> 💬 Yeah I'm experimenting with docker compose in general and found the Friendica config which sets up a whole chain with Redis as well so will see how that goes with some test instance and then try migrating my main machine over to that 23:08 < fikabot_> 💬 > <@hank:myportal.social> Yeah I'm experimenting with docker compose in general and found the Friendica config which sets up a whole chain with Redis as well so will see how that goes with some test instance and then try migrating my main machine over to that 23:08 < fikabot_> 💬 23:08 < fikabot_> 💬 I remember back when redis was first implemented. I definitely noticed an improvement even on my single user node for resource use, speed, etc. Hope it helps in your case! 23:15 < fikabot_> 💬 Yeah that one query is probably most of my CPU usage so fingers crossed --- Log closed vie jun 24 00:00:03 2022